
Factor binary package for windows-x86-64


Download factor-windows-x86-64-2024-07-14-17-20.zip

This package was built from GIT ID 389920fdcd4dd7754d996c41092a374079cf31b1.

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Build machine information

Host name:winmini
Last heartbeat:Sat, 27 Jul 2024 06:32:53
Current status:Idle (as of Sat, 27 Jul 2024 05:47:11)
Last build:88d9aa19bff86e8266a2d5e58c5b2e0e4230b1f2 (built on Sat, 27 Jul 2024 05:46:15)
Last clean build:88d9aa19bff86e8266a2d5e58c5b2e0e4230b1f2 (built on Sat, 27 Jul 2024 03:06:54)
Clean images:https://downloads.factorcode.org/images/clean/windows-x86-64

Latest build report