Build report for windows/x86.32

Build machine:winmini
Disk usage:203.50Gi used, 1649.10Gi avail, 1852.61Gi total, 89.02% free
Build directory:~/builds32/2024-07-26-15-46
GIT ID:88d9aa19bff86e8266a2d5e58c5b2e0e4230b1f2

Tests failed

Build output:
        "USING: math ;\nIN: prettyprint.tests\nPREDICATE: predicate-see-test < integer even? ;\n"
    [ [ \ predicate-see-test see ] with-string-writer ]
Unit Test: {
        "USING: math sequences ;\nIN: prettyprint.tests\nINTERSECTION: intersection-see-test sequence number ;\n"
    [ [ \ intersection-see-test see ] with-string-writer ]
Unit Test: { { } [ \ compose see ] }
USING: classes.tuple.private quotations slots ;
IN: kernel
: compose ( quot1 quot2 -- compose )
    [ dup callable? [ \ callable bad-slot-value ] unless ] dip
    dup callable? [ \ callable bad-slot-value ] unless
    { composed 2 1 tuple -42920136 composed 6223454 }
    <tuple-boa> ; flushable
Unit Test: { { } [ \ curry see ] }
USING: classes.tuple.private quotations slots ;
IN: kernel
: curry ( obj quot -- curry )
    dup callable? [ \ callable bad-slot-value ] unless
    { curried 2 1 tuple -42920136 curried 4409781 } <tuple-boa>
    ; flushable
Unit Test: { { "POSTPONE: [" } [ \ [ unparse ] }
Unit Test: {
        "USING: prettyprint.tests ;\nM: started-out-hustlin' ended-up-ballin' ; inline\n"
        [ M\ started-out-hustlin' ended-up-ballin' see ]
Unit Test: {
            "USING: math ;"
            "IN: prettyprint.tests"
            "TUPLE: tuple-with-declared-slot { x integer initial: 0 } ;"
        [ \ tuple-with-declared-slot see ] with-string-writer
Unit Test: {
            "IN: prettyprint.tests"
            "TUPLE: tuple-with-read-only-slot { x read-only } ;"
        [ \ tuple-with-read-only-slot see ] with-string-writer
Unit Test: {
            "IN: prettyprint.tests"
            "TUPLE: tuple-with-initial-slot { x initial: 123 } ;"
        [ \ tuple-with-initial-slot see ] with-string-writer
Unit Test: {
            "USING: math ;"
            "IN: prettyprint.tests"
            "TUPLE: tuple-with-initial-declared-slot"
            "    { x integer initial: 123 } ;"
        [ \ tuple-with-initial-declared-slot see ]
        with-string-writer split-lines
Unit Test: {
    { { "IN: prettyprint.tests" "TUPLE: final-tuple ; final" } }
    [ [ \ final-tuple see ] with-string-writer split-lines ]
Unit Test: {
    { "H{ { 1 2 } }\n" }
    [ [ H{ { 1 2 } } short. ] with-string-writer ]
Unit Test: {
    { "H{ { 1 ~array~ } }\n" }
    [ [ H{ { 1 { 2 } } } short. ] with-string-writer ]
Unit Test: {
    { "{ ~array~ }\n" }
    [ [ { { 1 2 } } short. ] with-string-writer ]
Unit Test: {
    { "{ { 1 2 } }\n" }
        [ [ { { 1 2 } } short. ] without-limits ]
Unit Test: {
    { "{ ~array~ }\n" }
        [ [ { { 1 2 } } . ] with-short-limits ]
Unit Test: {
    { "H{ { 1 { 2 3 } } }\n" }
        f nesting-limit
        [ [ H{ { 1 { 2 3 } } } . ] with-string-writer ]
Unit Test: {
    { "maybe{ integer }\n" }
    [ [ maybe{ integer } . ] with-string-writer ]
Unit Test: {
    { "maybe{ bob }\n" }
    [ [ maybe{ bob } . ] with-string-writer ]
Unit Test: {
    { "maybe{ word }\n" }
    [ [ maybe{ word } . ] with-string-writer ]
Unit Test: {
        "USING: prettyprint.tests ;\nM: maybe{ har } harhar ;\n\nUSING: kernel math prettyprint.tests ;\nM: integer harhar M\\ integer harhar drop ;\n"
    [ [ \ harhar see-methods ] with-string-writer ]
Unit Test: {
        "USING: math ;\nIN: prettyprint.tests\nTUPLE: mo { a union{ integer float } initial: 0 } ;\n"
    [ [ \ mo see ] with-string-writer ]
Unit Test: {
        "USING: math ;\nIN: prettyprint.tests\nTUPLE: fo { a intersection{ integer fixnum } initial: 0 } ;\n"
    [ [ \ fo see ] with-string-writer ]
Unit Test: {
        "union{ intersection{ string hashtable } union{ integer float } }\n"
                intersection{ string hashtable }
                union{ integer float }
            } .
        ] with-string-writer
Unit Test: {
        "intersection{\n    intersection{ string hashtable }\n    union{ integer float }\n}\n"
                intersection{ string hashtable }
                union{ integer float }
            } .
        ] with-string-writer
Unit Test: {
    { "maybe{ union{ integer float } }\n" }
    [ [ maybe{ union{ integer float } } . ] with-string-writer ]
Unit Test: {
    { "maybe{ maybe{ integer } }\n" }
    [ [ maybe{ maybe{ integer } } . ] with-string-writer ]
Unit Test: {
    { "{ 0 1 2 3 4 }" }
            5 length-limit
            [ 5 <iota> >array pprint ] with-variable
        ] with-string-writer
Unit Test: {
    { "{ 0 1 2 3 ~2 more~ }" }
            5 length-limit
            [ 6 <iota> >array pprint ] with-variable
        ] with-string-writer
Unit Test: {
        "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa b"
    [ margin get 3 - margin-test ]
Unit Test: {
        "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa b"
    [ margin get 2 - margin-test ]
Unit Test: {
    [ margin get 1 - margin-test ]
Loading resource:basis/quoted-printable/quoted-printable-tests.factor
Unit Test: {
        "José was the\nperson who knew how to write the letters:\n    ő and ü \nand we didn't know hów tö do thât"
        "Jos=E9 was the\nperson who knew how to write the letters:\n    =F5 and =FC=20\nand w=\ne didn't know h=F3w t=F6 do th=E2t"
        quoted> latin2 decode
Unit Test: {
        "Jos=E9 was the=0Aperson who knew how to write the letters:=0A    =F5 and =FC=0Aand we didn't know h=F3w t=F6 do th=E2t"
        "José was the\nperson who knew how to write the letters:\n    ő and ü\nand we didn't know hów tö do thât"
        latin2 encode >quoted
Unit Test: { { f } [ message >quoted "=\r\n" subseq-of? ] }
Unit Test: { { 1 } [ message >quoted split-lines length ] }
Unit Test: { { t } [ message >quoted-lines "=\r\n" subseq-of? ] }
Unit Test: { { 4 } [ message >quoted-lines split-lines length ] }
Unit Test: {
    { "===o" }
    [ message >quoted-lines split-lines [ last ] "" map-as ]
Loading resource:basis/quoted-printable/rfc2047/rfc2047-tests.factor
Unit Test: { { "" } [ "=?US-ASCII?B??=" rfc2047> ] }
Unit Test: { { "" } [ "=?US-ASCII?q??=" rfc2047> ] }
Unit Test: { { "" } [ "=?us-ascii?q??=" rfc2047> ] }
Unit Test: { { "a b c d" } [ "=?UTF-8?Q?a_b_c_d?=" rfc2047> ] }
Unit Test: { { "a_b c d" } [ "=?UTF-8?Q?a=5fb_c_d?=" rfc2047> ] }
Unit Test: { { "äbcd" } [ "=?UTF-8?B?w6RiY2Q=?=" rfc2047> ] }
Unit Test: { { "äbcd" } [ "=?UTF-8?Q?=C3=A4bcd?=" rfc2047> ] }
Unit Test: { { "äbcd" } [ "=?iso-8859-9?B?5GJjZA==?=" rfc2047> ] }
Unit Test: { { "äbcd" } [ "=?iso-8859-9?Q?=e4bcd?=" rfc2047> ] }
Must Fail With: { [ "=?blub?Q?=41?=" rfc2047> ] [ unrecognized-charset? ] }
Loading resource:basis/quoting/quoting-tests.factor
Unit Test: { { f } [ "" quoted? ] }
Unit Test: { { t } [ "''" quoted? ] }
Unit Test: { { t } [ "\"\"" quoted? ] }
Unit Test: { { t } [ "\"Circus Maximus\"" quoted? ] }
Unit Test: { { t } [ "'Circus Maximus'" quoted? ] }
Unit Test: { { f } [ "Circus Maximus" quoted? ] }
Loading resource:basis/random/random-tests.factor
Unit Test: { { 4 } [ 4 random-bytes length ] }
Unit Test: { { 7 } [ 7 random-bytes length ] }
Unit Test: { { 4 } [ [ 4 random-bytes length ] with-secure-random ] }
Unit Test: { { 7 } [ [ 7 random-bytes length ] with-secure-random ] }
Unit Test: { { 2 } [ V{ 10 20 30 } [ delete-random drop ] keep length ] }
Must Fail: { [ V{ } [ delete-random drop ] keep length ] }
Unit Test: {
    { t }
        10000 [ <iota> 0 [ drop 187 random + ] reduce ] keep /
        2 * 187 10 ~
Unit Test: {
    { t }
        10000 [ <iota> 0 [ drop 400 random + ] reduce ] keep /
        2 * 400 10 ~
Unit Test: { { t } [ 1000 [ 400 random ] replicate members length 256 > ] }
Unit Test: { { f } [ 0 random ] }
Unit Test: { { { } } [ { } randomize ] }
Unit Test: { { { 1 } } [ { 1 } randomize ] }
Unit Test: { { f } [ 100 [ { 0 1 } random ] replicate all-equal? ] }
Unit Test: { { 49 } [ 50 random-bits-exact log2 ] }
Must Fail With: { [ { 1 2 } 3 sample ] [ too-many-samples? ] }
Unit Test: { { 3 } [ { 1 2 3 4 } 3 sample members length ] }
Unit Test: { { 99 } [ 100 <iota> 99 sample members length ] }
Unit Test: { { } [ [ 100 random-bytes ] with-system-random drop ] }
Unit Test: {
    { t t }
        500000 [ 0 1 normal-random ] replicate
        [ mean 0 0.2 ~ ] [ std 1 0.2 ~ ] bi
Unit Test: {
    { t }
        500000 [ 0.15 exponential-random ] replicate
        [ mean ] [ std ] bi 0.2 ~
Unit Test: {
    { t }
        500000 [ 1 exponential-random ] replicate
        [ mean ] [ std ] bi 0.2 ~
Unit Test: {
    { t t }
        500000 [ 1 3 pareto-random ] replicate
        [ mean ] [ std ] bi
        [ 1.5 0.5 ~ ] [ 3 sqrt 2 / 0.5 ~ ] bi*
Unit Test: {
    { t t }
        500000 [ 2 3 gamma-random ] replicate
        [ mean 6 0.2 ~ ] [ std 2 sqrt 3 * 0.2 ~ ] bi
Unit Test: {
    { t t }
        500000 [ 2 3 beta-random ] replicate
        [ mean 2 2 3 + / 0.2 ~ ]
        [ std 2 sqrt 3 sqrt + 2 3 + dup 1 + sqrt * / 0.2 ~ ] bi
Unit Test: {
    { t }
    [ 500000 [ 3 4 von-mises-random ] replicate mean 3 0.2 ~ ]
Unit Test: {
    { t t }
        500000 [ 2 7 triangular-random ] replicate
        [ mean 2 7 + 2 / 0.2 ~ ]
        [ std 7 2 - 2 6 sqrt * / 0.2 ~ ] bi
Unit Test: {
    { t t }
        500000 [ 2 3 laplace-random ] replicate
        [ mean 2 0.2 ~ ] [ std 2 sqrt 3 * 0.2 ~ ] bi
Unit Test: {
    { t t }
        500000 [ 12 rayleigh-random ] replicate
        [ mean pi 2 / sqrt 12 * 0.2 ~ ]
        [ std 2 pi 2 / - sqrt 12 * 0.2 ~ ] bi
Unit Test: {
    { t t }
        500000 [ 3 4 logistic-random ] replicate
        [ mean 3 0.2 ~ ] [ std pi 4 * 3 sqrt / 0.2 ~ ] bi
Unit Test: {
    { t t }
        500000 [ 10 0.6 binomial-random ] replicate
        [ mean 6 0.1 ~ ] [ std 1.5 0.1 ~ ] bi
Unit Test: {
    { t t }
        500000 [ 100 0.8 binomial-random ] replicate
        [ mean 80 0.1 ~ ] [ std 4 0.1 ~ ] bi
Unit Test: {
    { t }
        500000 [ 1.23 1.45 wald-random ] replicate
        mean 1.54 1.23 / 0.1 ~
Launcher error:
Process exited with error code 3221225477

Launch descriptor:

T{ process
    { command
    { environment H{ } }
    { environment-mode +append-environment+ }
    { stdin +closed+ }
    { stdout "../test-log" }
    { stderr +stdout+ }
    { group +new-group+ }
    { timeout T{ duration { hour 2 } } }
    { status 3221225477 }