Build report for windows/x86.64

Build machine:winmini
Disk usage:224.75Gi used, 1627.86Gi avail, 1852.61Gi total, 87.87% free
Build directory:~/builds64/2024-10-04-16-20
GIT ID:afcf777e10d09ba6dceb4b558703c01aaa33285f

Tests failed

Build output:
    [ "1111234" "1" token <*> parse list>array ]
Unit Test: {
            T{ parse-result
                { parsed { "1111" } }
                { unparsed
                    T{ slice
                        { from 4 }
                        { to 7 }
                        { seq "1111234" }
            T{ parse-result
                { parsed { "111" } }
                { unparsed
                    T{ slice
                        { from 3 }
                        { to 7 }
                        { seq "1111234" }
            T{ parse-result
                { parsed { "11" } }
                { unparsed
                    T{ slice
                        { from 2 }
                        { to 7 }
                        { seq "1111234" }
            T{ parse-result
                { parsed { "1" } }
                { unparsed
                    T{ slice
                        { from 1 }
                        { to 7 }
                        { seq "1111234" }
            T{ parse-result
                { parsed { { } } }
                { unparsed "1111234" }
        "1111234" "1" token <*> [ concat 1array ] <@ parse
Unit Test: {
    { { T{ parse-result { parsed { } } { unparsed "234" } } } }
    [ "234" "1" token <*> parse list>array ]
Unit Test: {
            T{ parse-result
                { parsed { "1" } }
                { unparsed
                    T{ slice
                        { from 1 }
                        { to 4 }
                        { seq "1234" }
    [ "1234" "1" token <+> parse list>array ]
Unit Test: {
            T{ parse-result
                { parsed { "1" "1" "1" "1" } }
                { unparsed
                    T{ slice
                        { from 4 }
                        { to 7 }
                        { seq "1111234" }
            T{ parse-result
                { parsed { "1" "1" "1" } }
                { unparsed
                    T{ slice
                        { from 3 }
                        { to 7 }
                        { seq "1111234" }
            T{ parse-result
                { parsed { "1" "1" } }
                { unparsed
                    T{ slice
                        { from 2 }
                        { to 7 }
                        { seq "1111234" }
            T{ parse-result
                { parsed { "1" } }
                { unparsed
                    T{ slice
                        { from 1 }
                        { to 7 }
                        { seq "1111234" }
    [ "1111234" "1" token <+> parse list>array ]
Unit Test: { { { } } [ "234" "1" token <+> parse list>array ] }
Loading resource:core/parser/notes/notes-tests.factor
Unit Test: {
    { }
        f lexer set f current-source-file set
        "Hello world" note.
Hello world
Loading resource:extra/partial-continuations/partial-continuations-tests.factor
Unit Test: {
    { 55 }
        0 sum set [ 1 10 range sum get + sum set f ] breset drop
        sum get
Loading resource:extra/path-finding/path-finding-tests.factor
Unit Test: {
            { 1 1 }
            { 2 1 }
            { 3 1 }
            { 4 1 }
            { 4 2 }
            { 4 3 }
            { 4 4 }
            { 4 5 }
            { 4 6 }
            { 4 7 }
            { 5 7 }
            { 6 7 }
            { 7 7 }
            { 8 7 }
            { 8 6 }
    [ { 8 6 } test1 drop ]
Unit Test: { { 7 } [ { 7 1 } test1 nip length ] }
Unit Test: { { f 26 } [ { 1 7 } test1 length ] }
Unit Test: { { "ADC" "ABCDE" } [ "AC" test2 [ >string ] dip ] }
Unit Test: { { f "CDEF" } [ "DB" test2 ] }
Unit Test: { { f } [ "FA" first2 routes <bfs> find-path ] }
Unit Test: { { "DC" } [ "DC" first2 routes <bfs> find-path >string ] }
Unit Test: { { "ADC" "ABCDE" } [ "AC" test3 [ >string ] dip ] }
Unit Test: { { f "CDEF" } [ "DB" test3 ] }
Unit Test: {
    { { 1 3 } }
        1 3 H{
            { 1 H{ { 2 0 } { 3 0 } } }
            { 2 H{ { 1 0 } { 3 0 } { 4 0 } } }
            { 3 H{ { 4 0 } } }
            { 4 H{ } }
        } <dijkstra> find-path
Loading resource:extra/pcre/pcre-tests.factor
Unit Test: {
    { { "Bords" "words" "word" } }
    [ "Bords, words, word." { ", " ", " "." } split-subseqs ]
Unit Test: {
    { { { 3 "day" } { 2 "month" } { 1 "year" } } }
        <compiled-pcre> nametable>>
Unit Test: {
    { t }
    [ "foo" (pcre) 3array rest { { f -1 } { f 0 } } member? ]
Unit Test: {
    { { 1 2 3 } }
        iso-date <pcre>
        { "year" "month" "day" } [ pcre_get_stringnumber ] with
Unit Test: { { t } [ "foo" <compiled-pcre> PCRE_UTF8 has-option? ] }
Unit Test: {
    { t }
        "foo" <compiled-pcre> version 8.1 >
        [ PCRE_UCP has-option? ] [ PCRE_UCP has-option? not ] if
Unit Test: { { 1 } [ PCRE_CONFIG_UTF8 pcre-config ] }
Unit Test: { { 1 } [ PCRE_CONFIG_UNICODE_PROPERTIES pcre-config ] }
Unit Test: {
    { t }
        [ PCRE_CONFIG_UTF16 pcre-config ] [ what>> ] recover
        { 0 10 } member?
Unit Test: {
    { t }
        [ PCRE_CONFIG_UTF32 pcre-config ] [ what>> ] recover
        { 0 12 } member?
Unit Test: {
    { 33 }
    [ [ "foo" <pcre> f 33 pcre-fullinfo ] [ what>> ] recover ]
Unit Test: {
            { f "1999-01-12" }
            { "year" "1999" }
            { "month" "01" }
            { "day" "12" }
    [ "1999-01-12" iso-date <compiled-pcre> findall first ]
Unit Test: {
    { 3 }
        "2003-10-09 1999-09-01 1514-10-20" iso-date
        <compiled-pcre> findall length
Unit Test: { { 5 } [ "abcdef" "[a-e]" findall length ] }
Unit Test: { { 3 } [ "foo bar baz" "foo|bar|baz" findall length ] }
Unit Test: { { 3 } [ "örjan är åtta" "[åäö]" findall length ] }
Unit Test: { { 3 } [ "ÅÄÖ" "\\p{Lu}" findall length ] }
Unit Test: {
    { 3 }
    [ "foobar" "foo(?=bar)" findall first first second length ]
Unit Test: {
    { { { { f ", " } } { { f ", " } } { { f "." } } } }
    [ "Words, words, word." "\\W+" findall ]
Unit Test: {
    { { ", " ", " "." } }
        "Words, words, word." "\\W+" findall
        [ first second ] map
Unit Test: { { 0 } [ long-string ".{0,15}foobar.{0,10}" findall length ] }
Unit Test: { { { { { f "foo" } } { { f "" } } } } [ "foo" ".*" findall ] }
Unit Test: {
    { { { { f "" } } { { f "" } } { { f "" } } } }
    [ "foo" "B*" findall ]
Unit Test: {
    { { { { f "" } } { { f "" } } { { f "" } } { { f "" } } } }
    [ "öööö" "x*" findall ]
Unit Test: { { t } [ "örjan" "örjan" matches? ] }
Unit Test: { { t } [ "abcö" "\\p{Ll}{4}" matches? ] }
Unit Test: { { f } [ "\n" "." matches? ] }
Unit Test: { { t } [ "\n" "(?s)." matches? ] }
Unit Test: {
    { f t }
        "hello\nthere" "^.*$" <compiled-pcre> matches?
        "hello\nthere" "(?s)^.*$" <compiled-pcre> matches?
Unit Test: {
    { f f }
        "x" <compiled-pcre> PCRE_CASELESS has-option?
        "." <compiled-pcre> PCRE_DOTALL has-option?
Unit Test: {
    { { t f } }
            "response and responsibility"
            "sense and responsibility"
        } [ "(sens|respons)e and \\1ibility" matches? ] map
Unit Test: {
    { { t t f } }
        { "rah rah" "RAH RAH" "RAH rah" }
        [ "((?i)rah)\\s+\\1" matches? ] map
Unit Test: {
            { "Words" "words" "word" }
            { "Words" "words" "word" }
        "Words, words, word." { "\\W+" "[,. ]" } [ split ] with
Unit Test: {
    { t }
        "" http-get nip
        "href=\"(?P<link>[^\"]+)\"" findall [ "link" of ] map
Unit Test: { { t } [ "1234abcd" R/ ^\d+\w+$/ matches? ] }
Loading resource:extra/pcre/ffi/ffi-tests.factor
Unit Test: { { 2 } [ pcre_version split-words length ] }
Loading resource:extra/pcre2/pcre2-tests.factor
Unit Test: { { { } } [ "hello" "goodbye" findall ] }
Unit Test: {
    { { { { f "foo" } } { { f "bar" } } { { f "baz" } } } }
    [ "foo bar baz" "\\w+" findall ]
Unit Test: {
            { f "1999-01-12" }
            { "year" "1999" }
            { "month" "01" }
            { "day" "12" }
        findall first
Unit Test: {
            { { f "h" } }
            { { f "e" } }
            { { f "l" } }
            { { f "l" } }
            { { f "o" } }
    [ "hello" "(.)" findall ]
Loading resource:extra/pdf/units/units-tests.factor
Unit Test: { { 0 } [ "0" string>points ] }
Unit Test: { { 1 } [ "1" string>points ] }
Unit Test: { { 1.5 } [ "1.5" string>points ] }
Unit Test: { { 12 } [ "12pt" string>points ] }
Unit Test: { { 72.0 } [ "1in" string>points ] }
Unit Test: { { 108.0 } [ "1.5in" string>points ] }
Loading resource:extra/pdf/wrap/wrap-tests.factor
Unit Test: {
    { "hello,      " "extra spaces" }
    [ "hello,      extra spaces" word-split1 ]
Unit Test: {
    { { "hello, " "world " "how " "are " "you?" } }
    [ "hello, world how are you?" word-split ]
Unit Test: {
    { { "hello, world " "how are you?" } }
        "hello, world how are you?" monospace-font 100
Launcher error:
Process was killed as a result of a call to
kill-process, or a timeout

Launch descriptor:

T{ process
    { command
    { environment H{ } }
    { environment-mode +append-environment+ }
    { stdin +closed+ }
    { stdout "../test-log" }
    { stderr +stdout+ }
    { group +new-group+ }
    { timeout T{ duration { hour 2 } } }
    { status 255 }
    { killed t }